09:25 HIRO DATE 131 Comments

Follow the silly adventures of Shinnosuke "Shin" Nohara and his family. But why is it called 'CRAYON' ?

Crayon Shin-chan (クレヨンしんちゃん Kureyon Shin-chan?), also known as Shin Chan, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated byYoshito Usui. It follows the adventures of the five-year-old Shinnosuke "Shin" Nohara and his parents, baby sister, dog, neighbours, and friends and is set in KasukabeSaitama Prefecture. An anime adaptation of the series began airing on TV Asahi in 1992 and is still ongoing. 

Now, why crayon? Is it because the artsyle looks like its being drawn by crayons or is there something more behind it? Something much deeper~~ 
Let's delve into the realm of ANIME & MANGA URBAN LEGENDS.

 Crayon Shin-chan’s Final EpisodeYet another long-running animated series has a dark predicted ending. People are expecting the final episode to reveal that the main character Shinnosuke had actually died when he was five while rescuing his baby sister from being hit by a car.All of those sassy, light-hearted adventures we’ve enjoyed over the years were actually the creations of his mother going through the grieving process. When the final episode comes we will finally understand that all this time she was just envisioning what her deceased son’s life might be like had he lived. The titular “crayon” is the object that she clings to in memory of her lost child.

If the theory above is true then BAAM we have a deep story here guys! Not to mention makes it more interesting. Ain't your regular kids/comedy show now huh?

RIP Shinchan.



  1. Is this really true?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It is the best cartoon I started watching it when I was 2 years and now I am 10 years story of shinchan is very inspiring to us

  2. truely sad....I didn't think about the reason of it being 'crayon' shinchan...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What is the release date of this episode?

  5. Any link for d last unpublished episode of sinchan?

  6. I will not be able laugh again watching sinchan

  7. I will not be able laugh again watching sinchan

    1. Seriously...its too sad n heart breaking...😢

    2. Seriously...its too sad n heart breaking...😢

    3. It can't be true .. Its heartbreakingly bad thing

    4. Sadly yeah 😖😖 RIP Shinchan I use to imitate him in my childhood #Rip

    5. Sadly yeah 😖😖 RIP Shinchan I use to imitate him in my childhood #Rip

  8. Is there a final episode we can watch

  9. I am really feeling upsad after reading the truth...

  10. its a rumuor not true,so plz stop spreading these fake rumors.shinchan can never die

  11. I will not watch the final episode I cannot see shinchan dead

  12. One making us laugh was a real hero

  13. One making us laugh was a real hero

  14. I'm teary eyed after knowing the true story of Shinchan. I love Shinchan. It hurts to know what happened to him in reality. He will always be remembered as a hero who saved his baby sis.I will always love u Shinchan. Rest in peace sweet Angel Chan ♥

    1. shin chan was dead but his sister was also dead shinchan was trying to save her but unfortunately both died

    2. yeah its too sad to know even his sister died in the accident

  15. I'm teary eyed after knowing the true story of Shinchan. I love Shinchan. It hurts to know what happened to him in reality. He will always be remembered as a hero who saved his baby sis.I will always love u Shinchan. Rest in peace sweet Angel Chan ♥

  16. Its true i hav a post on dis on instagram

  17. Please please change the ending😭😭 please I beg you guys. shin Chan I love you 💖

    1. an't change Bcoz it's real story of shinnosuke who died while saving her sister ��which is published by Yoshito_Usui

  18. Please please change the ending😭😭 please I beg you guys. shin Chan I love you 💖

  19. I want to salute the great mom who makes us laugh with sinchan still she lost him most saddest news ever ..... :,( :,( :( (u) (u) (u) (u) :(

    1. Very true..its so disheartening.. Salute to masie ans to shinchan...I will always love u😭😭

  20. So Sad Story Is It Real I Thinks Singh and Should Not Publish In TV After Hearing This When I Watch Shinchan I Just Start Thinking Of It . ������������

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This is really heartbreaking

  25. its so sad that shinchan is ending pls dont end it it is very funny for all ages

  26. its so sad that shinchan is ending pls dont end it it is very funny for all ages

  27. I feel so sad yrrr...... Why has it happened...... I really enjoyed shinchan bt now it really wouldn't entertain me Rather I will feel more sad about it whenever I ll watch shinchan... ������

  28. Shin chan was my favorite character is it really true I am feeling bad

  29. Can't believe that there can be sooo sad story behind my favourite cartoon ever.... 😢😭😢😭😢

  30. I will never be laughing again while watching shinchan I loved it so much but I can't believe he's dead?😫😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😞😞😞😖😖😖😨😨😨😧😧😭😭😱😩😡😡 I can't believe it like this I need a proof for this If I get the real photo of shinnosuke nohara then only I will believe this rubbish

  31. I will never be laughing again while watching shinchan I loved it so much but I can't believe he's dead?😫😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😞😞😞😖😖😖😨😨😨😧😧😭😭😱😩😡😡 I can't believe it like this I need a proof for this If I get the real photo of shinnosuke nohara then only I will believe this rubbish

    1. We can see it on Google only type shinchan real story and click on images

    2. It is the best cartoon I will be seeing it when I will big to

    3. We can see it on Google only type shinchan real story and click on images

  32. m so sad when I know the truth

  33. I wshed thy could relased the last episoed

  34. Wth is this how do ppl in japan get license if they run over kids can't put a handbrake..jeez ppl who r 15 16 can drive better than this...This is simply bullshit...Now we can never watch shinchan after knowing all this..

  35. Fake story. Get a life online hoax people. Read the real story here

  36. Fake story. Get a life online hoax people. Read the real story here

  37. Its really not easy believe abt the sad history of shinchan nohara... Dont wanna see this last episode. I grown up watching shinchan shows💔💔😔😢🌷

  38. Its really not easy believe abt the sad history of shinchan nohara... Dont wanna see this last episode. I grown up watching shinchan shows💔💔😔😢🌷

  39. Listening this story of shinchan...he was a super hero for his family n for I really feeling to cry becoz I was crazy for watching shinchan any time... N I love him lots.....��
    I just wish u was between us.....��
    Love u lotsss shinchin....Rip����

  40. Shinnosuke rest in peace may allah give strength to his parents
    He was my favorite from childhood and i still watch it.😢

  41. I can't stop crying And the photo which was present above the paragraph was sooooooooo sad���������������������� It should never happen to any one He became the best brother at that small age by trying to save her sister but god wat to keep such good people with them so he took them������������������������ Hope their shoals are happy�������� More to say but while writing I am crying �� REST IN PEACE SHINCHAN AND HIS SISTER �� ������������������������������������������

  42. Shinchan is my fav cartoon from my childhood until now.... I heard the story already but I didn't believe that but if it's really true then I'm sad like hell srsly �� Shinchan is connected to my heart nd salute to his mom thanks for giving us a great cartoon... Thanks really

  43. i m is too fav cartoon character died.He will be a hero for me and he will always be.No one can take of him in my hear����������������������

  44. Yaa its true....its so hurting and painfull moment

  45. Yaa its true....its so hurting and painfull moment

  46. Soon sorry a real hero and a real brother

    Read this people. It's all fake

    Read this people. It's all fake

  49. This is so not true. These all are just fake stories

  50. This is so not true. These all are just fake stories

  51. Behind thousands of cascading smiles,regards to the tears of that bereaved mom.Pain is beauty,yeah...

  52. Behind thousands of cascading smiles,regards to the tears of that bereaved mom.Pain is beauty,yeah...

  53. When did shinchan and himavary die???

  54. shinchan is always gona make us laugh really

  55. hell it is not true because Shinchan never died and he rescued his little sister from danger many time and is still in a fucking fit condition.

  56. "I heard a shocking rumour"
    Hmm...shocking rumour..
    RUMOUR... guys...seriously..
    Is RUMOUR can be trusted?
    This kind of rumour is in every cartoon.
    Where the sources.
    Huh?Where is it?
    You can't trust people in internet.

  57. I will never be able to laugh while seeing shin chan 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  58. I feel very bad. Why this accident happened with shin chan and himavari, but shin chan became best brother by trying to save his baby sister. Rest in peace shin chan & hemavari. I feel very sad...... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  59. The author, Yoshito Usui, created the manga Crayon Shin-chan as he wanted to depict how he was as a child as well as the things he wanted to do as a child but couldn't. He wanted to be a child with an “adult's” view. He wanted to express his thoughts through a manga and he thus made Shinnosuke, a character who questions the general norms of the society and the things imposed by adults on children. He also wanted to create a series based on daily life, without any supernatural elements or gadgets or ninjas/samurais, etc. One can relate the series to one's own life.

    The word “Crayon” was added because Crayon is a popular tool used by Kindergartenners and Shinnosuke is one. This is the original explanation given by the author.

  60. The author, Yoshito Usui, created the manga Crayon Shin-chan as he wanted to depict how he was as a child as well as the things he wanted to do as a child but couldn't. He wanted to be a child with an “adult's” view. He wanted to express his thoughts through a manga and he thus made Shinnosuke, a character who questions the general norms of the society and the things imposed by adults on children. He also wanted to create a series based on daily life, without any supernatural elements or gadgets or ninjas/samurais, etc. One can relate the series to one's own life.

    The word “Crayon” was added because Crayon is a popular tool used by Kindergartenners and Shinnosuke is one. This is the original explanation given by the author.

    1. But yoshito is dead and in interview he did not mention anything about that so it is less to belive

  61. this is really embarrassiiiiiiing.i wont watch the last episode i cant see the end of shinnnnnnchan. he sis my favourite cartooon. beacause of adyasha my friend told me this. i am gonna fainting. rest in pece shinchan and himavari.misae is also very good. bye.shinchan. we wont get a brother, child and son like uand himavari is very cute.misae is a wonderful mommy.

  62. I love shinchan so much.......mmmmmmmuuuuuuaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.m.......and for himawari also.........��������������������������������������������������������������������������������

  63. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  64. This is one of those rumors that is hard to shake because it sounds like it's something that can be true. That said, before he died, the creator stated that it was based on his own childhood if he had his adult mind as a child.

    It this were true, not airing the last episode would mean that there IS this phantom episode to aire, and we know with how the internet is such a thing not being leaked is impossible. They are actually airing new episodes now, where Shin and Family are in space.


  65. It can't be true. Shinchan is alive. It was not the actual last episode. It was just a illusion of story writer, what if a bad thing happens to nohara family. Shinchan becomes a community leader and hero in future.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Feeling very bad for his mother.

  68. Feeling very bad for his mother.

  69. All this Story is just a Bullshit.. EV ybody knw that .. Shinchan is juz a imagination N nothing else itz not true.. For making d colourful childhood of children now.. Itz created N we can clearly watch d future shinchan ,himawari,his parents,N frndz .. In one of shinchan's movie .. Call d Strom my wife!! So do not believe In all these dam fake engulfed stories.. 😠😠

  70. What was the date when he died?

  71. Badddddddddddd very badddddddd, my friends also told me about the ending, I am shocked

  72. Everybody check this link out
    And it's all rumours..

  73. All fake shin chan is only an animated series made by Yoshito Usui.shin chan is not real.the author didn't said about all this.its only an imagination but someone spread this freak news.all lies!!every SHIN CHAN fan be happy I'm happy too 😀

  74. I can't never forget those moments which u had while watching SHINCHAN .. I still do but its a darkest story of death I have heard..

  75. I am very sad for the death of shinnosuke(shinchan) but I never forgot to see Shinchan episode

  76. Plz someone tell me that is false, i don't wanna hear it😢😢😢

  77. Plz someone tell me that is false, i don't wanna hear it😢😢😢

  78. this is not true manga was left inconclusive because the autor died you idiots! and he never mention anything about killing the character in the because the serie still going on with new episodes in japan. so there is not an episode of this ever happen and i dont think it will be since the autor is not alive . why everything had to be so dark why you people like to think in such horrific things about kids sows?? is disgusting

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. this is not true yoshito usui the creator of crayon shinchan made this manga as the work he wants to do as a child and he died in car accident there is no real shinosuke or anything else

  81. 😨😨😨😱😱😱😱

  82. Is this true. I didn't believe this. Because Shinchan is my favourite Cartoon charecter. So I didn't believe his death. I am Soooo upset. 😢😢😢

    1. Shin-Chan movie “Arashi wo yobu! Ora no Hanayome” which was released in 2010 clearly shows the future of Shin-Chan, his friends, and family. We see Shin-Chan’s parents are alright, but living in a slightly broken house. We also see the Shin-Chan of the future, his sister Himwari who has turned out to be really skilled. And also the presence of Shinko-chan who tries to call Shinnousuke as “Onii-Chan”, but doesn’t and quickly changes, and call him “Onigiri”.

      So let’s sum it up!
      1. Shin-Chan is not based on a real person!

      2. The character of Shin-Chan never dies. Neither do his sister, family, friends, and all the characters we see in the show.

      3. There is no last episode of Shin-Chan. The TV and manga series is still running.

      4. The story of Shin-Chan’s death is fake!

  83. sincahn is my favourite cartoon I don't like any other show on tv i want to know sinchan real date of birth

  84. But why there is no evidence given in Wikipedia about his death

  85. But why there is no evidence given in Wikipedia about his death

  86. i like this episode very much and this giving me very appropiate bloging so you canSHIN CHAN CARTOON

  87. Shin-Chan movie “Arashi wo yobu! Ora no Hanayome” which was released in 2010 clearly shows the future of Shin-Chan, his friends, and family. We see Shin-Chan’s parents are alright, but living in a slightly broken house. We also see the Shin-Chan of the future, his sister Himwari who has turned out to be really skilled. And also the presence of Shinko-chan who tries to call Shinnousuke as “Onii-Chan”, but doesn’t and quickly changes, and call him “Onigiri”.

    So let’s sum it up!
    1. Shin-Chan is not based on a real person!

    2. The character of Shin-Chan never dies. Neither do his sister, family, friends, and all the characters we see in the show.

    3. There is no last episode of Shin-Chan. The TV and manga series is still running.

    4. The story of Shin-Chan’s death is fake!

  88. Is se Jada dukh Bhari baat or koi ho hi nahi sakti


Whaddya think?